How to teach your children about social issues

There have been several reports in America where parents are upset when teachers educate students on social issues. According to these parents, teachers should stick to the subject of what they are being paid to teach and nothing else. But as parents, they too are duty-bound to teach their kids about certain social issues such as race, inequality, privilege, justice, and morality. Joseph Cianciotto claims that children will eventually encounter these social issues later on in life, so parents should prepare them for it. Here are ways how you can teach social issues to your children.

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Use literature

There is a lot of children’s literature that may seem like a typical tale, but they can be used to help teach and explain specific social issues. Stories like “Dumbo” or “The Ugly Duckling” could be used to explain why people discriminate against those who are different. Likewise, the “Pied Piper” can be used to explain justice. Today, there are several children’s books that are made specifically to explain and teach current social issues to children.

Invite your children to watch the news

Whenever you and your spouse is watching the news, and your child likes to watch along, you could give your own commentary on social issues being reported, especially if you feel like the topic would one day affect your child or children. Just make sure that you know what to teach your child. And if they have questions, treat them like adults who are simply seeking information.

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Initiate the conversation

There will come a time when children will be grown up enough to know certain aspects of life. Whether it’s the birds and the bees, sexual orientation, or even social topics like racism, you have to set the tone for a serious conversation. According to Joseph Cianciotto, this will help strengthen your bond as a family while learning more about the real world.

Joseph Cianciotto is a digital media native and family man from Long Island, New York. For more articles like this, visit this website.


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